
Featured Speakers

Raymond Hightower

Raymond Hightower


Raymond T. Hightower is the founder of WisdomGroup, a software company that builds apps for the web and for mobile. WisdomGroup organizes the ChicagoRuby user group and the WindyCityRails annual conference. Hightower holds a BSCS from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His first experience with open source happened at UIC, and he is grateful to the University for the introduction. Details:


Get Ready for Parallel Programming, Featuring Parallella

Speed matters. For certain problems, parallel computing blows away the serial style we learned in school. What’s a cool way for serially-trained developers to explore parallelism? Consider Parallella: An 18-core, credit card sized computer that developers can use to start learning parallel computing today. Parallella runs Linux, the hardware is open source, and you can buy it online for $150. This talk will feature a Parallella running a Ruby on Rails app with parallel processing behind the scenes. Example source code will be available on GitHub. You can start learning parallel computing today.

Location: Illinois A

Time: Friday 2:00PM — Friday 2:50PM

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