
Featured Speakers

Phil Gomes

Phil Gomes


By day, Phil Gomes is a Senior Vice President of U.S. B2B Digital for Edelman, the world's largest PR firm. Among other things, he tries to infuse the world of corporate communications with the spirit and ethos of open source and online communities. He is the first in the public relations industry to actively write about the potential impact of blockchain technology. In 2012, he founded Corporate Representatives for Ethical Wikipedia Engagement (CREWE), dedicated to helping companies and Wikipedians find common ground in developing accurate articles.


The Most Interesting (Non-Financial) Uses of Blockchain Technology

From a communications perspective, blockchain technology has the potential to be more transformative than social media was in the early 2000s. However, with the media's the focus on finance (and the baseless phobia around bitcoin), many of the most compelling use cases get ignored. This talk cuts through the fear and hype, delivering a compelling vision for use cases and the future of communications on the Internet.

Location: Illinois B

Time: Saturday 1:00PM — Saturday 1:50PM

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